When the man s friends carried him to the house where jesus was staying they found the house to be packed with people wanting to hear jesus and be healed by him.
Took man to roof and let him down to jesus.
As far as they were concerned jesus may not ever pass that way again and they wanted to make sure this paralytic man had to chance to see him.
When they couldn t get near jesus they decided to go to the flat roof.
They had come from every town in the countries of galilee and judea and from jerusalem.
When they had broken a space big enough in the roof the four men let their friend down through the roof right in front of jesus.
And jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic my son your sins are forgiven.
They dug through it and let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.
Down through the roof jesus heals a paralytic man matt.
Net bible when they were not able to bring him in because of the crowd they removed the roof above jesus.
And being unable to get to him because of the crowd they removed the roof above him.
Since they couldn t bring him to jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof over the place where he was.
17 on one of the days while jesus was teaching some proud religious law keepers and teachers of the law were sitting by him.
Jesus said to the man be of good cheer for your sins are forgiven.
They accused jesus of blasphemy dishonoring god by claiming to do what only god can do.
And when they had dug an opening they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying.
When jesus saw their faith he told the man that his sins were forgiven.
English standard version but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before jesus.
Rather than saying get up and walk jesus said your sins are forgiven the religious leaders kept quiet but jesus knew their thoughts.
Luke 5 17 26 new life version nlv jesus heals a man let down through the roof of a house.
Jesus was impressed by the faith of these men.
Mark 2 3 5 and they came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men.
Take up your bed and return to your own house herever jesus went crowds followed him.
When they could not come near to him for the crowd they removed the roof where he was.
The friends climbed up an outside staircase and dug a hole through the roof.
But instead of giving healing the first thing jesus said was son thy sins be forgiven thee.
Because the friends could not get through the crowd they carried their friend to the roof and lowered him down to jesus.
Jesus told the man to get up take your bed and go to your house.
So they tore a hole in this man s roof and lowered him down to jesus.
Finding themselves unable however to bring him to jesus because of the crowd they untiled the roof just over his head and after clearing an opening they lowered the mat on which the paralytic was lying.
So they went up to the roof and took off some tiles.
Jesus words to the man surprised the pharisees and teachers of the law.
In the streets or even in the homes of capernaum many people gathered when they knew he was.